Update Schedule

Hello dear people, bad news again. 😦

I messed up, remember my last post, something about my class starting this week? Well apparently it’s tomorrow. For some reason, I thought I still have 3 days before school starts but apparently, that’s not the case. School will start tomorrow, and my free days are only Friday, Sat, Sun. So here’s the final update schedule:

Mon-Thu: 1-2 chapters per day, depending on what I finish.
Fri-Sun: 1-3 chapters per day, again depending on what I finish.
Expect the chapters to be updated before 2 PM and/or 10 PM onward, +8:00 CDT

Otherwise, I’ll announce if I won’t be able to release a chapter, since I don’t have stock chapters.

I’m really sorry, and thanks for reading!!!!

Also I really appreciate your comments! It makes this rotten peach so emotional

BILIP Chapter 12

Hello people, bad news 😦

This is the only chapter for today since I won’t be able to work on this much (today) because of life and stuff, but mainly because I have a dentist appointment later.

I don’t want to cockblock you or anything if you’re *cough*gettingoffonthis*cough*, but i suggest you wait for other chapters to be released first (tomorrow i promise).
I had a really rough time working on this haha. i was okay with reading the stuff, but it felt so embarrassing when i was typing it. I was just an innocent child, like, 10 years ago, but now look at me translating smutty BL novels. wow.

well anyways, read at your own risk.


BILIP Chapter 11

Hello people, sorry for the long wait.

I had difficulties translating this chap. I wasn’t even sure if I was still translating a danmei novel lol. Then there’s my family, always walking behind my back, it was so nerve wracking. Then my brother suddenly wanted to borrow my laptop so I had no choice but to pause for a while.

This is our first ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) chapter. If you ask me, I’ll rate it R-13ish??

Welcome to Biology class! Enjoy~~~~~

Peaches out =☆